I hardly know where to begin deconstructing some of the lunacy in the attached article about why girls are doing…
Google, Tell Me.
I do not understand one single thing about this convicted murderer’s execution in Ohio today.
“I want to be alone. I just want to be alone” – Greta Garbo, Grand Hotel
So what is the purpose of men in modern families?
A friend recently confessed that she didn’t think she could ever write nonfiction, which is highly personal, because…
It is articles like this one that are killing the sexual desire of women.
Hello, everyone
I can bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan – and never, ever let you forget you’re a man, ’cause I’m a woman.
How bizarre that at the end of a musician’s long day – of practicing and perfecting their craft – they might have to…
Stealing is stealing, whether you use a computer command or a crowbar, and whether you take documents, data or…
“I have never found a companion that was so companionable as solitude.”
Ho Ho Ho! Nizhonigo Keshmish Baahózhó Doo Nínanahí, as the Navajos would say…
Good morning, everyone
Morning, everyone
Presidential Election Eve, 2012
Greetings Googlers…
Hello, everyone, post-Felix Baumgartner jump and mid- Dallas/Baltimore game
How can I lightheartedly clack out “Good Morning” like I usually do after watching this video in the Times about a…
Greetings Google Guys and Gals
Good evening GarGoyles and GarGuys…
Good morning, everyone
I find this very interesting.
Good morning new lovers, young lovers, old lovers…
Hello Soccer Lovers….
Hello, everyone
Good April Fool’s Day, all. ‘Twas supposed to have been sunny, but ’tis rainin’ here.
Good Sunday afternoon, all of you Lovely and Loving Google Brains…