Madison Square Park, Sunday, November 6, 2016. An almost impossibly beautiful Fall day in New York City. You can feel the blue of the sky, smell the chill in the air, hear the trumpet of the elephant.
That is…if it is an elephant. Seems like an elephant to me.
Madison Square Art:
#MartinPurYear #BigBling
November 6, 2016 at 5:14 pm
That blue is electric what lighting designers call generically a Walt Disney blue and to someone like me with the genetic condition of synesthesia which means that I hear colors see sounds and taste shapes that blue is a symphony orchestra playing glorious music. Thanks for sharing such a beautiful image Giselle Minoli
November 6, 2016 at 5:26 pm
Hi, stuart richman NYC is a sensory stimulating experience to be sure. But can you hear the elephant’s song? I love this sculpture and always look forward to what the Conservancy is going to put up. I try to post as many of them as possible. Some translate better to photographs than others. I had coffee at home early this morning, but the light pouring in through my bedroom window was so bright…the Park beckoned. So I meandered over to Eataly, got a take out latte and went to sit in the Park. Out of the sun it is surprisingly chilly on this New York City marathon day. I tried to post the pix on my iPad sitting on a bench…but G+ kept crashing. Very strange. But perhaps not. You know, what with the elephant trumpeting in the background and all.
November 6, 2016 at 5:45 pm
Giselle Minoli yes I can hear the elephants song. I’m enormously fond of elephants and to that here’s a photo from a gazillion years ago of me and a baby elephant acquaintance (I’m the one with the hat LOL) taken at a safari park that Warner Bros studios used to have in upstate New York.
November 6, 2016 at 5:59 pm
Oh…that is so sweet stuart richman. You never cease to amaze me…the many and diverse nooks and crannies of your life.
I am taking a dance class at Alvin Ailey this afternoon. I wouldn’t be surprised to discover you’ve worked with that company, too.
November 6, 2016 at 6:08 pm
Giselle Minoli alas no I never had the pleasure of working with them but my partner in my lighting design company did. The only well known dancers I’ve worked with were the Ballet Trocaderos who I toured with as lighting designer for a year; Gregory Hines, and Baryshnikov as well as a clog dance troupe that was part of a tour with the Grand Ole Opry.
November 6, 2016 at 6:10 pm
I love the Ailey Troupe stuart richman. The number of dance classes in this city for we former, but older, dancers is staggering. I’m looking forward to it…
November 6, 2016 at 6:20 pm
Giselle Minoli as part of my lighting design training at Emerson College in Boston I was required to take basic dance classes to better understand how lighting and movement can work together ( also classes in make up) but sadly I have zero talent in dance which may be why I appreciate it so much and find it the most beautiful of all the creative arts disciplines.