There is much to be learned from communicating without speaking, using movement, music and the body to reach another. Last night I ‘watched’ the movie Casablanca by ‘listening’ to it instead of actually watching it.
I was exercising on the floor in a part of the room where I could not see the television. I heard and understood lines of dialogue and nuance in conversation between characters as though I was ‘watching’ the movie for the first time, even though it would be safe to say I have probably seen the move two dozen times.
I noticed, as I lay on the floor exercising and listening to the movie, I was able to recall long ago visual memories of each scene, what the characters looked like, what they were doing, where they were standing, sitting, what was going on in the background, the lighting, whether it was day or night.
Watching the movie, its beautiful visuals splashed across the screen, I don’t have to imagine anything. I only have to do is absorb what is visually there with my eyes. But when I couldn’t see the screen, I had to work harder to picture, to imagine, what was going on, which reminded me of my instrument training as a pilot, having to scan the instruments to understand where I am in space, what the plane is doing – is it banking right or left, descending or ascending, speeding up or slowing down…
In training as an actor, we would put bags over our heads so as not to be distracted by any visual when we were working on a scene. Listen. Just listen. And remain as still as possible until something propels you to move.
And when I first began to learn to dance, when I was six, my teacher Elizabeth Waters would make us close our eyes as we moved, instructing us to move as slowly as possible. Not being able to see who was nearby forced us to sense movement around us, and our movements became much more precise, much more specific, in part because of the fear of bumping into or stepping on another dancer, but mostly out of a heightened desire to perform a precise movement.
When I watch Mark and Monica move together, I think about my early acting and dancing training and how I try to apply it to everything in life.
Come closer. What if we were to speak to one another with precision and intention? With expression and tenderness? Energy and gentleness?
What could we create?
What would our world be like?
How would it change our lives?
Individually? And with those we love?
Ballet Dortmund
Dancers: Mark Radjapov and Monica Fotescu-Uta
Choreography: Benjamin Millepied
Music: Philip Glass
#BenjaminMillepied #BalletDortmund #PhilipGlass #Closer1 #Dance
February 14, 2016 at 6:49 pm
Feels Flawless!
February 14, 2016 at 6:54 pm
I love that you wrote “Feels Flawles!” ’cause there is always room to move further into something… G MIKEY G.
February 14, 2016 at 6:58 pm
Giselle Minoli Wise 🙂
February 14, 2016 at 7:22 pm
that two people can come together to create an expression of such artistic perfection, a unity of beautiful “oneness”, gives me the most wonderful goosebumps. Oh what utter joy.
If the world leaders could have this kind of cooperation, this level of shared trust, we might achieve something close to the world envisioned by John Lennon’s song “Imagine”.
February 14, 2016 at 7:33 pm
Indeed stuart richman I think about that every single day. How many times have you come across my written words that if every children learned to dance, to make art, music, to write poetry…that there would be less war, more peace, more health and more happiness. It is impossible to want to destroy if you are essentially a creative person. The desire to create is huge, and to preserve what one creates is a powerful urge. Only those who haven’t explored the creation/nurturing nature within their hearts want to destroy.
February 14, 2016 at 7:43 pm
Giselle Minoli I am reminded of that each time I read your thoughtful and insightful posts.
And though I usually refrain from anything relating to political commentary perhaps we would have a better world if instead of electing politicians as our leaders we instead elected artists to lead us because they understand the true meaning of cooperation and trust.
February 14, 2016 at 7:46 pm
Could someone propose that as an actual “Bill” stuart richman? What a lovely idea. Artists all over the world speak to one another through their art. Art is the Universal language of mankind. Unfortunately, perhaps only artists really know this? One of the most unfortunate things that has happened to the American educational system is the almost complete disappearance of the arts in education. I took art classes, dance classes, music classes…along with reading, writing and arithmetic. It left an indelible impression on my life, and I can’t imagine life in general without those influences. I cannot imagine it.
February 14, 2016 at 7:56 pm
Greetings stighab guld. So glad you liked it. How are you????
February 14, 2016 at 7:58 pm
Giselle Minoli I took more classes in all the disciplines of the arts than I did in the hard sciences and for many years I used to think that I was an incomplete person for not studying more science but in retrospect I believe I am a more complete and better person because of the arts even had I not chosen theatre as a career choice.
February 15, 2016 at 10:56 pm
Glad you like it stighab guld. These two ballets (along with Closer 2) are beautiful and I could watch them each (and both) over and over and over again…
April 1, 2016 at 9:40 pm
Oh nice