Might you be feeling a little paranoid today, like the Light-Footed Clapper Rail?

Maybe you have said something you wish you hadn’t, like the Mandrill?

Or are you confused about which direction is really up, as is the Caribbean Flamingo?

Perhaps you’ll just nosh all day long, like the Giant Panda.

Adopting a circumspect demeanor, like the Spectacled Owl often works well.

When in doubt, be suspicious, like the Musk Ox.

Staring your enemy down, like the Malayan Tiger is always a confidence booster.

Voting for a hide-under-the-bed-pose like a Gray Gibbon is very smart every once in a while. Or if you’re nervous you could just hang on for dear life, like the Little Red Flying Fox. Or just choose not to worry and be happy…like Budgett’s Frog. Giving it the old college try once again, like a Baby Chimpanzee, is always an option. In the end, however, you can always just give up and turn your back on it all, like an Indian Rhinocerous.

Which of the divine creatures brilliantly photographed by Joel Sartore captures your own mood best?

Today, I rather feel like an Eastern Bongo.