“Had I spent my time trying to out-sex, out-nubile, out-Va Va Voom other girls and women?” – Giselle Minoli, Women at Work: Lyrical Confessions of an Erstwhile Renegade, The Journal for Social Era Knowledge, Winter 2013

I don’t know about anyone else, but in spite of what is written about how ruthlessly competitive women are in our quest to hog whatever male attention is to be hogged at any given moment, I personally dress for myself and always have.

I slick on red lipstick in the morning for my own pleasure. I spritz on my favorite cologne because I like the way it makes me feel.

There is a difference between dressing for oneself, dressing for success, being conscious of the fact that our appearance does indeed have an impact on the way other people respond to us, and getting up in the morning, leaning into the mirror, and announcing to oneself, Look out everyone…I’m gonna go out and wrangle me a fella, and nothin’ and no one’s gonna stop me!

(True Confession: The kind of fellas who are so easy they can be wrangled with short black skirts and high-heeled shoes frankly have never interested me.)

There have been several studies recently that suggest, at least where women are concerned, that dressing is all about eliminating the competition. In Women at Work: Lyrical Confessions of an Erstwhile Renegade I beg to differ, traveling back in time to my days as Director of Customer Merchandising for CBS Records in New York, my reflections centered on something that had been written about me in Esquire Magazine a long time ago.

This is my first essay as the Editor-at-Large of the SynaptiQ+ Journal for Social Era Knowledge. If you have time to read Women at Work, I’d be grateful.

No, _“I don’t recall spending a minute of my time figuring out what to wear to get the attention of a man.”

Now, off to pick the right shade of red lipstick to express today’s mood. Note to self: Musn’t forget the Creed.



#JournalforSocialEraKnowledge   #synaptiq +  Meg Tufano  #WomenatWork  
