We are lying on our backs looking up into the pastel-hued interior of The Guggenheim spiral.

We are sitting on benches leaning our heads against the walls side-by side with strangers, boys, girls, men, women, babies, foreigners.

Walking into darkened spaces filled with James Turrell light.

Being inside of James Turrell light.

Breathing in and breathing out James Turrell light.

Watching James Turrell light change the spiral chute from pale ivory white to pink to fuschia to pale green to a blue color to an orange color and then it’s gone.

And then it starts again.

And more people come.

And no pictures or electronic devices, please.

But we are very naughty because we snap a pic whenever we can.

So does everyone else.

Because light shows by James Turrell make everyone naughty.

Or at lease they should. 

And no one can stop us.

Because it’s so lovely to be naughty.

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