Greetings Google Guys and Gals,

Emerging from 10 days of torturous writer’s block is as good a reason as any to buy a new hat.  This style, a Gatsby, was made from vintage Harris Tweed.  But because I’m perfectly rotten at taking a good pic with my iPhone you cannot tell it is beautiful Fall Green/Gray flecked with Red and Yellow.  

But the fabric is not nearly as important as the fact that Gatsby was the name of our dog, the sweet, and gorgeous and gregarious and empathetic, Black Lab who graced our life with naughtiness and love for too short a time on Planet Earth.

I need another hat like I need another red lipstick – I have scores of both.  But I won’t stop buying either anytime soon.  Gatsby would approve by sniffing my hat…and trying to claim it as his own.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.  Gatsby says Woof! from the al di la!  

Ciao pio dal cin.
