Stop what you’re doing, for just 3:23 minutes, and watch The Inner Net, a video of poet performance artist David Bowden making an impassioned case for paying attention and connection, yes, in part by reaching out to one another through technology…

“The net of humanity has been severed severely, as we cut ourselves off in the pursuit of technology…in the midst of this shrinking world sensation, many are placing the blame on technology. As we burrow into our browsers, unplug by plugging in for hours, miss blue skies while working in the cloud, laugh out loud without laughing out loud…When it comes down to it, the true nature of this new aged unit is in how we use it…” – David Bowden

This speaks to all of us. This man is talented and he should have an audience for this supreme effort.

Thank you for reading, thank you for listening, as always…

And thank you very much Sakis Koukouvis for posting it and Jack C Crawford, my curator of all things Google+, for bringing it to my attention.

Originally shared by Douglas Karr